We share our work with the world through educational outreach, public seminars, and direct engagement with practitioners.

In addition to pushing boundaries in research, our goal as a lab is making science more accessible, engaging, and inclusive. Through active outreach, we aim to 1) promote science literacy among the public and 2) remove barriers to participation in science and engineering among historically underrepresented communities. Our outreach efforts span hands-on education workshops, public lectures and podcasts, and engaging directly with practitioners in the field.



Founded by Vayu Hill-Maini more than a decade ago, STEAMchefs is an organization that uses cooking to communicate scientific skills and methods to youth. Food is a universal language with deep personal and cultural significance, and within each family recipe or food experience hides a wealth of scientific information; baking bread tells us about respiration and breathing, making kimchi unveils fundamental principles in microbiology, and caramelizing onions tells us about catalysis and kinetics. STEAMchefs aims to harness this unique property of food to foster engaging experiences with science from an early age and remove barriers to participation in STEM. The organization runs outreach programs, hands-on workshops for teachers, and public seminars. The work is based on its open-access hands-on curriculum, which is adapted to the Next-Generation Science Standards, freely available through the website, and is used by thousands of educators worldwide, including low-resource settings where experimental science education has traditionally not been available. We are deeply involved in STEAMchefs as a lab through outreach and curriculum development.  Check out some of our lessons the videos, made with collaborators at Harvard University


We aim to make science more accessible by sharing our research and scientific understanding with the world. Through public lectures and podcasts, we break down complex topics and highlight the wonders of science – from the lab to the plate. Recent engagements include Stanford Fermentation for Health (podcast), Live Science (lecture), BostonTalks: The Science of Food (Q&A), New York Times : A New Climate (event). We are always excited to share our work. Get in touch if you are interested in learning with us!


We believe that the impact of our research is far greater if it is shared directly with those who are  touched by our work and are positioned to implement our discoveries into real-world solutions. We engage deeply with chefs, sharing our knowledge about fungi, gastronomy, and biochemistry through workshops and seminars. These interactions serve to educate professional communities relevant to our mission while also creating new pathways into STEM from non-traditional backgrounds. Past engagements include presentations through GlobalSF, Good Food Institute, Reffetorio SF, Basque Culinary Center, National Museum of Denmark, and Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture.


This fungus turns waste into cuisine - short video about our work on waste to food conversion by UC Berkeley

Harnessing fungi for sustainable foods - public seminar through the Good Food Institute

The future of culinary mycology: A conversation with Vayu Hill-Maini - podcast about our research and fermentation.

BostonTalks: The Science of Food - panel on the science of food through NPR Boston.

Career Talks: Future of Food - career panel on STEM careers in food (by Lawerence Berkeley National Labs).

Microscopic Chefs - seminar hosted by Lawerence Berkeley National Labs as part of their Live Science series. i