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Maini Rekdal V, Villalobos-Escobedo JM, Rodriguez-Valeron N, Olaizola Garcia M, Prado Vásquez D, Rosales, A, Sörensen PM, Baidoo EEK, Calheiros de Carvalho A, Riley E, Lipzen A, He G, Yan M, Haridas S, Daum C, Yoshinaga Y, Ng V, Grigoriev I, Munk M, Hanny Wijaya C, Nuraida L, Damayanti I, Cruz-Morales P, Keasling JD. Neurospora intermedia from a traditional fermented food enables waste-to-food conversion. Nature Microbiology. 2024. Press Feature and Video by UC Berkeley. Featured in New Scientist, The Independent,

Science News, Food and Wine Magazine, Popular Science, DW, GreenQueen.

Maini Rekdal V, van der Luijt CRB, Chen Y, Kakumanu R, Baidoo EEK, Petzold CJ, Cruz-Morales P, Keasling JD. Edible mycelium bioengineered for enhanced nutritional value and sensory appeal using a modular synthetic biology toolkit. Nature Communications. 2024 Mar 14;15(1):2099. Featured in Newsweek, El Mundo, CBS San Fransisco, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Daily Mail, The Scientist.


Maini Rekdal V, Rodriguez-Valeron N, Olaizola Garcia M, Prado Vásquez D, Sörensen P, Munk R, Keasling JD. From lab to table: Expanding gastronomic possibilities with fermentation using the edible fungus Neurospora intermedia. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 34. Featured in Joint Bioenergy Institute, Washington Post.

Jahn LJ, Maini Rekdal V, Sommer MOA. Microbial foods for improving human and planetary health. Cell. 2023 Feb 2;186(3):469-478.


Maini Rekdal V, Nol Bernadino P, Luescher MU, Kiamehr S, Le C, Bisanz JE, Turnbaugh PJ, Bess EN, Balskus EP. A widely distributed metalloenzyme class enables gut microbial metabolism of host- and diet-derived catechols. Elife. 2020 Feb 18;9:e50845. Featured in Harvard Gazzette.

Bisanz JE, Soto-Perez P, Noecker C, Aksenov AA, Lam KN, Kenney GE, Bess EN, Haiser HJ, Kyaw TS, Yu FB, Maini Rekdal V, Ha CWY, Devkota S, Balskus EP, Dorrestein PC, Allen-Vercoe E, Turnbaugh PJ. A Genomic Toolkit for the Mechanistic Dissection of Intractable Human Gut Bacteria. Cell Host Microbe. 2020 Jun 10;27(6):1001-1013.e9.

Maini Rekdal V, Bess EN, Bisanz JE, Turnbaugh PJ, Balskus EP. Discovery and inhibition of an interspecies gut bacterial pathway for Levodopa metabolism. Science. 2019 Jun 14;364(6445):eaau6323. Featured in C&E Magazine, Scientific American, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Nature Medicine, Science, Cell Metabolism, Harvard Gazzette, NIH Director’s blog.

Carmody RN, Bisanz JE, Bowen BP, Maurice CF, Lyalina S, Louie KB, Treen D, Chadaideh KS, Maini Rekdal V, Bess EN, Spanogiannopoulos P, Ang QY, Bauer KC, Balon TW, Pollard KS, Northen TR, Turnbaugh PJ. Cooking shapes the structure and function of the gut microbiome. Nat Microbiol. 2019 Dec;4(12):2052-2063. Vayu’s specific contribution - designing and cooking for the human intervention study - was featured in the New York Times.

Battaglioli EJ, Hale VL, Chen J, Jeraldo P, Ruiz-Mojica C, Schmidt BA, Maini Rekdal V, Till LM, Huq L, Smits SA, Moor WJ, Jones-Hall Y, Smyrk T, Khanna S, Pardi DS, Grover M, Patel R, Chia N, Nelson H, Sonnenburg JL, Farrugia G, Kashyap PC. Clostridioides difficile uses amino acids associated with gut microbial dysbiosis in a subset of patients with diarrhea. Sci Transl Med. 2018 Oct 24;10(464):eaam7019.

Maini Rekdal V, Balskus EP. Gut Microbiota: Rational Manipulation of Gut Bacterial Metalloenzymes Provides Insights into Dysbiosis and Inflammation. Biochemistry. 2018 Apr 24;57(16):2291-2293.

Koppel N, Maini Rekdal V, Balskus EP. Chemical transformation of xenobiotics by the human gut microbiota. Science. 2017 Jun 23;356(6344):eaag2770.

Alicia Foundation. A Chef’s Guide to Gelling, Thickening, and Emulsifying Agents. CRC Press. 2014. Vayu contributed original research and writing to this book, along with other members of the Alicia Foundation team.

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