
Get in touch if you want to visit the lab, join our team, or support our work.

The Hill-Maini is in the Clark Center at Stanford University

Hill-Maini Lab

318 Campus Drive

James H. Clark Center, W300 

Stanford CA, 94305-5440 


We are hiring!

We invite applications from highly motivated people who are excited to pioneer a new research area and build an inclusive lab culture that fosters excellence, creativity, and innovation. To apply, get in touch at: vayuhm[at]stanford[dot]edu.


We are always searching for talented postdocs who are excited about fungi, food, and sustainability (start date Jan 2025-onwards)

To apply, email the following as a single PDF to Vayu Hill-Maini

  1. -1-2 page cover letter describing your research background, interests, career goals, and why our lab would be a good fit

  2. -Current CV

  3. -Names and contact information for at least three references

We also welcome applications from independently funded postdocs via fellowships, such as Stanford Science Fellows, and other programs. Applicants from Denmark should consider applying through the Novonordisk Bio-X program. Applicants from Sweden should consider applying through Wallenberg foundation.

Graduate students

We will accept PhD students starting in Fall 2025. Interested candidates should apply to any Stanford program, including Bioengineering, Microbiology and Immunology, etc. Students excited about the lab who want to learn more are encouraged to get in touch with Vayu directly. Foreign visiting students interested in doing an extended stay in the lab should reach out directly to inquire about opportunities.


We will accept undergraduates starting in summer 2025. Interested candidates can get in touch with Vayu.